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//-->COTO PIES12 EV5 C EROU Y MNT ORI NTES H10,64FEBRUARY2010AUGUST20151COVERI NG T H E SHO OT I NG BUSI NESS GLOBALLYFind us onC OV ER I N G T H E S H O O T I N G B U S I N E S S G L O BA LLYe airsoft marketis growing. Makesure you get yourshare...p26FEBRUARY2015We visit the CzechRepublic to seewhat opportunitiesare available.p40www.guntradeworld.comAn end to theammo shortage?five-year ammunitionshortage – a result offears over anti-gunlaws in the USA– looks to be more or less over,although the most widely usedbullet remains in short supply.Demand for ammunition hassoared in the USA in recentyears, firstly when Barack Obamabecame president in 2009 andthen after the Sandy HookElementary School shooting inDecember 2012. Gun ownersfeared a raft of legislationon them each time so beganstockpiling ammo and buyingmore guns.AMike Bazinet, director ofpublic affairs at US gun tradebody the National ShootingSports Foundation, admitted:“ ere is no question thatconcerns about additionallegislation increased demand.People started buying upammunition in bulk and that justperpetuated the shortage.“It’s a slow process, and itvaries from region to region.Supply and demand are comingback into balance, slowly.”And he revealed that justone type of ammunition – the.22 LR-calibre bullet – remainshard to come by, adding: “ at’seasing, although supply is stilltight in many places.”In some areas GanderMountain has been limitingcustomers to about 1,000 .22bullets in one purchase, whileWalmart and Dick’s SportingGoods stores have been tellingcustomers that they can buy nomore than three boxes of theammunition per day.Approximately four billion .22LR bullets are produced everyyear, for everything from targetpractice and instruction to small-game hunting – a significantincrease on years gone by to meetdemand.Ammunition manufacturerssay they ramped up production inrecent years.Tim Brandt of ATK SportingGroup, which owns ammunitionbrands Federal Premium andCCI, said: “We continue to work24 hours a day and seven days aweek to meet consumer demand.We’ve added capacity again thisyear and continue to look forways to deliver more ammunitionto our customers.”Meanwhile, Remington hasinvested about $32 million tobuild an ammunition production•Continued on page 610,641 COPIESEVERY MONTH TO 125 COUNTRIESGTWWELCOMEWhere do oursympathies lie?Firstly, let me say at theoutset that I have nothingbut the deepest senseof sadness every time I hearanything about the awful eventsin December 2012 at SandyHook Elementary School inNewtown, USA.I cannot imagine the pain thatthe families of the children andadults who died that day at thehands of Adam Lanza have gonethrough every day since thenand they still have my heartfeltsympathy.But laying the blame forthese senseless deaths at thedoor of the gun manufacturerBushmaster, whose AR-15 wasused in the tragedy, is surely astep too far.As if that wasn’t enough, thelawsuit filed by nine families alsonames the distributor, Camfour,and the seller, RiverviewGun Sales (now defunct as Iunderstand it).e families argue that thegun should not have beenavailable on the general marketand that they should have known‘mentally unstable individualsand criminals’ would access anduse such guns.A worrying principle indeed,especially when you consider thatthe purchaser of the gun was noteven the perpetrator of the crimebut his mother, who he killedbefore heading to the school.But judges in other gun caseshave thrown them out on asimple tenet – the problem isnot with the gun but the personholding it.Indeed, the Protection OfLawful Commerce In Arms Actin 2005, backed by the NationalRifle Association and signedby then-President George WBush, sought to head off suchclaims at the pass by shieldingmanufacturers from suchlitigation.e Sandy Hook families’lawyers believe that they cancircumvent this by using anexception based on “negligententrustment”; in other words,supplying a dangerous productto a third party who harmssomeone.I am no legal boffin but itis not clear to me how themanufacturer, distributor andeven the retailer of an item canbe held responsible for sellingit to a qualified individual if itis the latter who fails to keep itsecure from someone else.e claim that the victims’deaths were preventableby the three companies inthe supply chain is a grossoversimplification of the facts.With hundreds of millionsof firearms held privately acrossthe USA – let alone the billionsworldwide – realistically, how‘preventable’ is it to ensure thatno-one with a mental illness or adesire to kill someone gets holdof one of these guns?Should this case ultimatelysucceed, that really could openup a can of worms that wouldhave everyone – gunmakers,distributors, retailers, shootersand even those taking anti-gunstance – running for the hills.John HunterEditor in chiefSean O’DriscollPublisherE:sean@dhpub.co.ukSean really is the driving forcebehind DHP’s trade division.Having been in the gun tradefor more than 20 years, heunderstands how it all works!John HunterEditor in chiefE:john@dhpub.co.ukJohn has more than 18 years’experience of the shootingand shing trade and is aregular visitor to internationalevents. He co-ordinates themagazine.Rob SmithDeputy editorE:rob.smith@dhpub.co.ukRob’s been helping companiesgrow internationally for overve years as deputy editor ofTackle Trade World.He has astrong grasp of internationalbusiness.Bart ManganielloUS salesE:bartalm@optonline.netBart has been selling ontrade magazines for all of hisworking life and has helpedmore companies grow theirbusiness than anyone else wecan think of!Mark PeacockRoW salesE:mark.peacock@dhpub.co.ukMark has spent many years inB2B marketing and has a longhistory of helping companiesbuild brands.GUN BARRELSAND MOREMSTOCU ADEMYour choice:caliber, twist, contour, thread,chamber, muzzle, …www.lothar-walther.de04www.guntradeworld.comFEBRUARY 2015GTW2436404448Contents08NewsSmith & Wesson buys hunting and accessories brand Battenfeld.44Company Profile– ICS48FaustiItalycoWe pro le one of the best-known Taiwanese airsoft manufacturers.Why the Italian press is purring over Fausti’s latest launch.22NSSF ColumnWhy the Hunting Works for America programme continues to expand.24Lithgow ArmsLA101 CrossOver26Spotlight On…AirsoftThe Australian military weapons expert has a ri e for the hunter… and more.Once derided by serious shooters, airsoft is now gaining signi cant ground.52Making ContactMore products that should be on your shelves...56Making Contact– Magnum ResearchThe Desert Eagle has been taken to another level – now in bronze.30Matrix Of Makers…Airsoft32EKA KnivesOne of the biggest market sectors is put under the microscope.How the Swedish knifemaker is taking the USA by storm.58Making Contact– Fire eld60Making Contact– LanskyHighly technical and incredibly versatile – that’s Fire eld’s Close Combat scope.Lansky’s Madrock knife is designed to be legal just about anywhere.36Great Gear– Airsoft Essential Gear38Davide Pedersoli Starter KitsWhat else can you stock in this expanding sector to make more sales?Looking to get started in muzzle-loading? These kits have all you need.62Making Contact– LeapersTrue Huntress is the latest line of gear aimed unashamedly at female shots.63Making Contact– StreamlightThis compact Siege lantern is a cordless LED light powered by AA batteries.40Doing Business With…Czech RepublicGreat hunting opportunities make this an alluring market for you.66Straight Shooting– Stephen SidkinA UK lawyer explains how you could end up with an unexpected distributor.www.guntradeworld.com05
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